Ludwig-Wucherer-Straße, Lessingstraße und Carl-von-Ossietzky-Strasse von einem Standpunkt aus betrachtet | Fotos von Halle

Mai 09 2008

[lang_de]Drei auf einen Streich[/lang_de][lang_en]Three photos from one position[/lang_en]

Published by at 19:28 under Paulusviertel

[lang_de]Hier sind drei Ansichten: von der Ludwig-Wucherer-Straße, der Lessingstraße und der Carl-von-Ossietzky-Strasse. Manchmal kann man von einem guten Standpunkt aus völlig unterschiedliche Motive knipsen, nur in dem man sich nur um ein paar Grad dreht…[/lang_de][lang_en]Here are three viewsfrom the:  Ludwig-Wucherer-Street, the Lessingstreet and the Carl-von-Ossietzky-Street. From a good position  you can take sometimes totally different photos, like this three photos: one standpoint, just turned some  degree…   [/lang_en]

[lang_de]Ort auf Karte anzeigen…[/lang_de][lang_en]Show place on Map…[/lang_en]

3 responses so far

3 Kommentar to “[lang_de]Drei auf einen Streich[/lang_de][lang_en]Three photos from one position[/lang_en]”

  1. Sanderon 16 Aug 2008 at 18:04


    I’m currently trying to make a multilingual version of my site I’m also using polyglot (found your comment). How do you create multilingual versions of your posts? Are they all in one post and are the different language bits indicated with tags?

    Thank you

  2. Sanderon 16 Aug 2008 at 18:41

    found out already [lang_de] etc

  3. Carstenon 16 Aug 2008 at 18:52

    Yes, thats correct, I’ve just put the language tags (see above) in the editor and inserted the language versions in it.

    Btw. Here is a good post about polyglot: It is not up to date, but gives you a good overview about polyglot works.

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Carsten Linke - Photography